Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)



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Submit a paper

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Submit a Manuscript via email to Executive Editor

It is first required that the manuscript should be formatted according to JESTEC Template (MS-Word Version). Our review is double-blind, so based on JESTEC Template (for Blind Review), any information related to your identity must be removed. This includes acknowledgment, appreciation, etc., if any.

In addition to the formatted manuscript and prior to proceeding with the review process, you are kindly required to provide email us the following documents:

1-   Copyright transfer form and Declaration form completely filled in and signed by authors following the instructions outlined in these forms.

2-   A similarity index report is a must. A complete plagiarism report should be generated from trusted and licensed software, such as Turnitin. JESTEC only accepts your paper if the similarity index is no more than 20%.

3-   Download the PPR excel file and fill in completely the data required (e.g., email addresses, paper title, discipline, at least four potential reviewers with Ph.D. Degree as a minimum requirement with their affiliations and valid e-mail addresses, etc.). Rename this file using this example PPR_Your Name.xlsx.

4-   The corresponding author’s curriculum vitae.

Please read the Guidelines for Submission of Contributions.

Alternatively, for more details, the authors can download the Checklist for a paper submission to JESTEC and instructions, Reference formatting with examples.

Guidelines for Submission of Contributions

Preparation of Pre-Review Manuscript

Manuscripts, where appropriate, should contain these sections in the order: Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Nomenclature, Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Theory, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), References, Appendix (if any).

The manuscript may consist of text, equations, symbols, figures, tables, line drawings, and photographs. Pre-Review Manuscripts are to be typed and formatted according to JESTEC Template (MS-Word Version). The easiest and fastest way to do this, please follow these steps:

·  Open your manuscript Word file.

·  Open JESTEC Template file.

·  Select the Paste Options in the JESTEC Template file: open Paste OptionàSet Default PasteàScroll down and select from the menu Cut, Copy, and PasteàPasting between documents when style conflictsà select Use Destination Style (Default).

·  Once done, all that you need after that is to Copy from your file to JESTEC Template and save.

-  Figures: All figures must be of good quality and are cited in the text with Arabic numerals by writing “Fig. 1” or “Figs. 1 and 2”. If the word appears at the first of a sentence, it is to be spelled out as Figure 1 or Figures 1 and 2. Place the figure caption positioned below it (centre aligned) as close as possible to their first mention in the text.

-  Equations: Use standard Microsoft Word Equation Editor to edit your equations. Do not embed "graphically designed" equations. Equations should be numbered consecutively in the paper and are cited in the text by writing “Eq. (1)” or “Eqs. (1) and (2). If the word occurs at the first of a sentence, it is to be spelled out as Equation (1) or Equations (1) and (2). Leave space of 6pt before and 6pt after the equation line to separate it from the text. The equation is to be aligned to the left on the line while its number using Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses is to be aligned to the right.

-  Tables: Use standard Microsoft Word Equation Editor to edit your equations. Do not embed "graphically designed" tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the paper and must be cited in the text by writing “Table 1” or “Tables 1 and 2. Tables are to be placed as close as possible to their first mention in the text and they are centred-aligned with the caption positioned above them.

-  Nomenclature section is to be placed directly after the Conclusion section. It defines all the symbols (English and Greek), abbreviations, subscripts, and superscripts used and arranged alphabetically. All standard symbols used in the text must be in the italic mode and must be listed with their SI units in the Nomenclature.

-  Length: The preferable limit of the page number is between 10-15 pages.

-  Language: English (UK).

-  Abstract and Keywords: On the first manuscript page, following the title and authors with their affiliations (name, title, organization, city, state, country, email), include a 100- to 200-word abstract summarizing your problem and findings. On a line below the Abstract, include maximum five keywords for indexing and database word searches. The keywords must be arranged in alphabetical order.

-  References: All references cited in the text must appear in the Reference list, and vice versa. All references should be listed and numbered in the order cited in the text. Below are examples of different types of references formatted following JESTEC citation style:

·   Journal articles

  1. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M. (2021). This is how to cite a journal article with one author. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17(2), 21-29.
  2. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; and Lee, C.N. (2021). This is how to cite a journal article with two authors. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17(2), 21-29.
  3. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; Lee, C.N.; Kumar, A.S.; and Frank, C.C. (2021). This is how to cite a journal article with more than two authors and less than 5 authors. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17(2), 21-29.
  4. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; Kumar, A.S.; Autho1; A.A.; Author2, B.B.; Author3, C.C.; and Author4, E.E. (2022). This is how to cite a journal article with more than 5 authors. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 17(2), 21-29.

·   Journal articles in press

  1. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; and Lee, C.N. (in press). This is how to cite a journal article in press. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology.

·   Proceedings/Presented Conference papers

  1. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M. (2018). This is how to cite proceedings/presented conference papers. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Power, Manufacturing, and Materials (CPMM2018), Penang, Malaysia, 1-9.

·   Textbooks

  1. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; Lee, C.N.; Kumar, A.S.; and Frank, C.C.  (2018). This is how to cite a textbook. McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.
  2. Al-Obaidi, A.S.M.; and Frank, C.C. (2018). This is how to cite a chapter in a textbook. In Author3, C.C.; and Author4, E.E. (Eds.), Advances in Education. McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.

·   Theses/Dissertations

  1. Saadi, B.M.  (2010). This is how to cite a dissertation/thesis. PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of London.
  2. Saadi, B.M.  (2010). This is how to cite a dissertation/thesis. MSc dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of London.

·   Reports

  1. Saadi, B.M.; Lee, C.N.; Kumar, A.S.; and Frank, C.C.  (2018). This is how to cite a report. NACA Report No. 6623.

·   Electronic references / Internet Sources

  1. Kumar, B.A.; and Verma, C.-J. (2018). This is how to cite an electronic reference or internet source. Retrieved October 5, 2020, from

Submission of Pre-Review Manuscript

A soft copy of the manuscript to be submitted to the Executive Editor via email.

Preparation and Submission of Post-Review Manuscript

After attending to all the referees’ comments and suggestions, submit a soft copy of the manuscript via email to the Executive Editor. The Post-Review Manuscript style should follow the provided “template of final paper”.

Other Matters

Proofs: The corresponding author will be mailed proofs for correction. These must be mailed back to the Editor-in-Chief.

Reprints: JESTEC is available for free online.

Copyright transfer and Declaration forms: All the authors should sign the copyright transfer form and Declaration form and submit with the pre-view manuscript.

Review Policy: All contributions shall be subjected to double blind peer review by at least two experts in the field. The board of editors reserves the right to accept or reject any contribution. The decision about the acceptance of a contribution for publication is final. The board of editor shall do its best to ensure a quick refereeing process.






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