Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) |
Volume 14, Issue 3, June 2019 Page 1118 - 1763 Analysis of gamma irradiation effects on dielectric
parameters of SIR-EPDM blends R. Deepalaxmi, V. Rajini, C. Vaithilingam, S. Vijayalakshmi 1118
- 1137 Android-based learning media in contextual teaching
and learning on Japanese language reading F. Philiyanti, N. Haristiani,
Y. Rasyid, Emzir 1138
- 1149 Event-related potential N100 vs. N170 wave results
comparison on driving alertness H. M. Nasir, M. M. M. Aminuddin, N. M. A. Brahin, I. Mustaffa 1150 - 1160 Chinnaraj K., Sathya Prasad M.,
Lakshmana Rao C., Padmanaban R. 1161 - 1172 H.-P. Dang, M.-S. V. Nguyen, D.-T. Do, H.-L. Pham 1173 - 1186 Multi-criteria design of mechanical system by using
visual interactive analysis tool D. H. Minh, P. V. Binh, B. V. Phuong, D. Vn 1187 - 1199 Energy-aware
on-demand fuzzy-unequal clustering protocol for wireless
sensor networks D. R. Das Adhikary, D. K. Mallick 1200
- 1219 A. Wardhono 1220
- 1230 Sparse based image fusion using compact
sub-dictionaries K. Ashwini, R. Amutha 1231 - 1247 Smartphone usage among college
students H. Soegoto 1248 - 1259
A. Wahyudin,
R. Desmayanti, Munir, H. B. Santoso, Z. A. Hasibuan 1260 - 1270 A. Cesaria, T. Herman 1271 - 1280 Slow learner errors analysis in solving integer
problems in elementary school
A. Sovia,
T. Herman 1281
- 1288 Assessment of phosphorus load in water river using
substance flow analysis (SFA) methods
L. A. Ghani, N. Z.
Mahmood, F. Othman 1289
- 1300 Removal of fluoride from wastewater by calcined
gypsum: Adsorption and kinetics study
H. I. Al-Itawi 1301 - 1313 R. Resatoglu, M. K. A. Hamed 1314 - 1329 N. S. Kulkarni, V. K. Tripathi
1330 - 1343 S. V. Ranganayakulu, R. K.
Buddu, P. V. Sastry
1344 - 1360 Adaptive mismatched filter design for radar pulse
compression V. Baghel 1361 - 1373 S.
Al-Haddad, H. Wahid 1374 - 1397 Performance evaluation of VoIP systems in cloud
computing M. M. Abualhaj , M. M. Al-Tahrawi,
S. N. Al-Khatib 1398 - 1405 A. M. Saad, H. M. Lahcen 1406 - 1419 Comparison study of the
structural properties of beam-column joints using reactive powder concrete
(RPC) under reversed cyclic loading H. M. A. Al.Khuzaie, R. S. Atea 1420 - 1433 Secure and hidden text using AES cryptography and
LSB steganography M. H. Abood, Z. K. Taha 1434 - 1450 Investigation of mathematical models for
hydro-vehicles which cross the liquid surface O.
N. Mayboroda, O. O. Rasstrygin 1451 - 1465 A. H. Yuliana, I. D. M. A. Karyawan, S. Murtiadi, J. J. Ekaputri, E.
Ahyudanari 1466 - 1481 Mechanical and durability properties of coir fibre reinforced concrete A. J. Babafemi, J. T. Kolawole, O. B. Olalusi 1482 - 1496 Fire risk analysis in FLNG
processing facility using Bayesian network H. A. Ibrahim, P. J. Rao 1497 - 1519 A review of failure modes of
nuclear fuel cladding M.
A. Khattak, A. A. B. Omran, S. Kazi, M. S. Khan, H.
M. Ali, S. L. Tariq, M. A. Akram 1520 – 1541 M.
J. Fadhil, H. M. Farhan 1542 – 1557 Monitoring and analysis of displacement using InSAR techniques for Gulaba
landslide site A. S. Virk, A. Singh, S. K. Mittal 1558 - 1571 A comparison of machine learning techniques for
Android malware detection using Apache Spark L. U. Memon, N. Z. Bawany, J. A. Shamsi 1572 - 1586 T. M. Hui, A. Y. B. Hashim, M. R. Salleh 1587 - 1600 W. Sharif, I. T. Y. Yanto, N. A. Samsudin, M. M. Deris, A. Khan, M. F. Mushtaq,
M. Ashraf 1601 - 1613 J.
T. Jacob, D. Kirubakaran 1614 - 1638 R. Ragadhita,
A. B. D. Nandiyanto, A. C. Maulana, R. Oktiani, A. Sukmafitri, A. Machmud, E. Surachman 1639 - 1652 A. Sukmafitri, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, R. Oktiani, R. Ragadhita, A. G. Abdullah 1653 - 1661 Existence of alum on the effectiveness of extracted
Miana leaves on Batik coloring R. Oktiani, R. Ragadhita,
A. B. D. Nandiyanto, A. Sukmafitri, R. Shintabella,
I. Widiaty 1662 - 1671 R. Supriyanti, A. R. Subhi, Y. Ramadhani,
H. B. Widodo 1672 - 1686 T.
Alameri, S. Abudulmajeed, A. S. Shibghatullah, M. M. Jaber 1687 - 1702 D. K. Ramesha, L. Bharath, T. D. Kumar, G. Trilok,
A. L. Prasad 1703 - 1716 Internet-of-things: genesis, challenges and
applications P. Matta, B. Pant 1717 - 1750 The performance of attached and suspended growth
process in integrated fixed activated sludge H. A. Mohiyaden, L. M. Sidek, G. Hayder 1751 - 1763 |
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