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 jestec logo finalLambang Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia  Kantor Jurnal & Publikasi ~ Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Special Issue on

UPI the 2nd International Student Conference on Education 2022, 30 Jan 2022 (Part 2)

Pages 1 - 160

The Editor-in-Chief of this issue

  Assoc. Prof. Dr.Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, S.T., M.Eng.

Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.



  Dr. Nur Indri Rahayu, M.Ed

Kantor Jurnal Publikasi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

  Muktiarni, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.

  Risti Ragadhita, S.Si.

Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.

  Dwi Fitria Al Husaeni

Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.

  Meli Fiandini, S.Pd

Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.

Global trend of ethnoscience research: A bibliometric analysis using Scopus database

   E. Supriyadi, T. Turmudi, J. A. Dahlan, D. Juandi, E. Istikomah, R. Febriandi, R. A. Sholikhakh

1 - 8

What do teachers think about critical thinking skills development in STEM project?

   R. R. Sukardi, N. D. Pratiwi, R. L. Larasati, S. Sama-Ae, K. L. Oliveros, R. Anantanukulwong, Y. Yuniarti, D. T. Kurniawan

9 - 16

Global trend on mixed reality and chemical thinking: A bibliometric analysis

   I. Sari, P. Sinaga, H. Hernani, A. Mudzakir, A. S. Shidiq

17 - 24

Technology acceptance model on smartphones applications: A bibliometric analysis

   A. W. Purbohastuti, V. Gaffar, D. Disman, C. Furqon

25 - 32

Future research direction on branded mobile apps: A bibliometric analysis

   A. Rakhmanita, R. Hurriyati, D. Disman, H. Hendrayati

33 - 40

Feasibility and suitability assessment model for small island development sites based social-ecological systems approach: mapping the most influenced factors and interest of three pillar partnership

   Y. Wahyudin, M. Mahipal, D. Lesmana, F. Farizal, H. Hultera

41 - 48

A bibliometric analysis of technological based educational supervision research using VOSviewer

   I. Suherman, R. S. P. Fauziah, N. Maryani, Z. K. Lathifah

49 - 56

Digitalization of land measurement map to minimize land dispute

   A. T. Qolyubi, M. Roestamy, A. Y. Martin

57 - 64

A bibliometric analysis: Research development on technological based productive zakat management

   W. Warizal, L. Purnamasari, S. S. Ramadhani, S. Hambani

65 - 72

Digitizing land registration as an effort to minimize the practice of the land mafia

   M. Roestamy, A. Y. Martin, A. T. Qolyubi

73 - 80

A decades of climate change education in experiential learning - A bibliometric study and research agenda

   I. M. Ridwan, I. Kaniawati, A. Suhandi, T. R. Ramalis, N. Novia

81 - 88

Research trends on self-regulated learning and mathematics literacy: A bibliometric analysis

   L. Farokhah, T. Herman, W. Wahyudin, R. Febriandi, Z. Abidin, A. Alman, M. Zulfadhli

89 - 96

Research on algebraic thinking in elementary school is reduced: A bibliometric analysis

   R. Febriandi, T. Herman, T. Turmudi, L. Farokhah, Z. Abidin, A. Alman, E. Supriyadi

97 - 104

Research trends on multimodal assessment in sciences learning: A bibliometric analysis

   M. Marfuatun, N. Nahadi, G. Yuliani, H. Hernani

105 - 112

The bibliometric analysis: Research development of technological based learning management using VOSviewer

   R. S. P. Fauziah, I. Suherman, N. Fauziah, S. N. R. Shafariah, H. Hamurdani

113 - 120

Technical advances on current research trends: Exploring the future scope of nutrition education

   S. Sagita, A. Rahmat, D. Priyandoko, S. Sriyati

121 - 128

Functional response of Mealybug Wasp, Anagyrus lopezi on Cassava pest, Phenacoccus manihoti by parasitism and host-feeding

   M. Z. Fanani, A. Rauf, N. Maryana, A. Nurmansyah, D. Hindayana, N. Rochman

129 - 136

Twenty years of research development on systems thinking in rare earth coordination chemistry: A bibliometric analysis

   B. Kisworo, A. Mudzakir, L. Liliasari, A. Permanasari, N. Novia

137 - 144

Bibliometric analysis: Digital-based education marketing in improving educational institution services

   M. R. Ramdhani, A. Kholik, S. Indra, S. Bahri

145 - 152

Didactical design research (DDR): A bibliometric analysis

   E. Supriyadi, D. Suryadi, T. Turmudi, S. Prabawanto, D. Juandi, J. A. Dahlan

153 - 160





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