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Special Issue on

International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT) 2021,

23-24  August 2021 (Part 2)

Pages 1 - 99

The Editor-in-Chief of this issue

·   Prof. Dr. Imad Fakhri Taha Alshaikhli

Department of Computer Science, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic

University Malaysia, Malaysia.


·   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wael Jabbar Aded Al-nidawi

Computer Techniques  Engineering  Department, Al-Mustaqble University College, Iraq.

·   Dr. Sharyar Wani

Department of Computer Science, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic

University Malaysia, Malaysia.

·   Dr. Rawad Abdulkhaleq Abdulmolla Abdulghafor

Department of Computer Science, Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic

University Malaysia, Malaysia.

Big data processing using Hadoop HDFS and map-reduce for public open Data (POD)

N. M. Ibrahim, N. B. Idris, M. K. A. Hassan, C. Breathnach, A. A. A. Hussin

    1 – 11

Accessibility design principles of mobile application for visually impaired people

H. H. Qureshi, D. H.-T. Wong

    12 – 20

Brain tumor MRI medical images classification with data Augmentation by transfer learning of VGG16

S. A. Y. Al-Galal, I. F. T. Alshaikhli, M. M. Abdulrazzaq, R. Hassan

    21 – 32

Human-computer interface for wireless multipath clustering performance

A. T. Teologo Jr, J. F. Blanza, L. Materum

    33 – 45

Test model for nutrition health application

S. A. B. Mohammed, N. N. B. Norazlan, N. B. Imran

    46 – 57

Big date analytics in the government: Issues concerning public sector auditing

U. M. A. U. M. Zam, A. Z. Saidin, M. Kartiwi, M. Mahmud

    58 – 68

A readiness assessment tool for wireless internet of medical things (WIoMT) for intra-counry contextualisation

M. S. Peradilla, A. V. L. Ong, M. V. Manguerra, L. Materum

    69 – 85

An automated topics labelling framework using zero-shot text classification

Q. khan, H. N. Chua

    86 – 99








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