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Special Issue on


SENIOR SYMPOSIUM, 6-7 November 2021

Pages 1 – 97

The Editor-in-Chief of this issue

·   Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, S.T., M.Eng.

    Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Guest Editors

·   Assist. Prof. Rina Maryanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

   Departemen Pendidikan Khusus, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

·   Risti Ragadhita, S.Si.

Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.


Understanding the importance of implementation health protocols in the Covid-19 epidemic for student with hearing impairment trough experimental demonstrations

    Y. Sani, E. Rochyadi, O. F. Wardany, A. Hufad, Sunardi, A. B. D. Nandiyanto

    1 - 8

Community needs analysis: software needs assessment analysis (NAA) implementation

    A. Hufad, J. R. Pramudia, Purnomo, A. Budiman, I. Setiawidjaya

    9 - 17

Indonesian sign language converter into text and voice as social interaction tool for inclusion student in vocational high schools

    Andriana, B. Mulyanti, I. Widiaty, Zulkarnain, I. Y. Wulandari

    18 - 25

Teaching colloid system to increase the respiration of children with communication barriers

    R. Muspita, S. Syihabuddin, A. Hufad, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, T. I. B. Manullang, Y. Sudaryat, I. D. Aprilia, R. Fernandes, A. Akbar, Zulfitrah

    26 - 33

The digital pedagogical tools for effective learning during pandemic: Facilitating tvet students' learning process in Malaysia and Indonesia

    A. Masek, A. Ana, W. H. N. B. W. Muda, A. N. B. Paimin, F. B. A. Halim, M. S. Barliana, I. Saleh, Y. Mulyadi, A. B. Salira, Muktiarni, A. R. Sari

    34 - 41

The relationship of basic chemical concepts in pharmaceutical learning

   W. Sukmawati, A. Kadarohman, O. Sumarna, W. Sopandi

     42 - 48

Design of laboratory scale water bath heat exchanger with shell and tube type

   A. B. D. Nandiyanto, R. Ragadhita, T. Kurniawan

     49 - 56

How is the mathematical problem-solving ability of elementary school pre-service teachers?

  I. F. Apriani, T. Turmudi, A. Jupri, E. Syaodih

     57 - 64

Teaching sound reflection by using solid objects as a reflective medium for students with deaf and hard of hearing

   E. Efrina, A. Hufad, E. Rochyadi, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, A. Asnil, R. Muspita, T. I. B. Manullang

     65 - 72

Did online coaching increase teachers’ capability in implementing RADEC to stimulate pupils’ creativity in the topic of mixture separation and electricity?

   R. R. Sukardi, W. Sopandi, C. Sutinah, Y. Yanuar, I. Suhendra, A. Sujana

     73 - 80

Examining disaster literacy through modified earthquake laboratory experiment on stem learning

   N. Novia, R. Riandi, A. Permanasari, I. Kaniawati, D. Ardiyanto

     81 - 88

Performance of efficiency cyclone scrubber type high-pressure spy

   S. Rawat

     89 - 97







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